As they say...

It is true what they say that time flies. As a photographer who gets to capture yearly mini sessions for families, documenting the kids grow taller makes that statement even more true. As much as this generation's young teens are used to being in front of the camera, I know they can still give us moms (and dads!) a hard time when it comes to showing up for yearly photos. However, this should not be the reason you don't book them every year.

It seems during these years, our teens are growing and maturing as quickly as they did when they were toddlers. It's in these moments we see them growing into their styles, experimenting with trends, hair, and makeup.

Figuring out what to wear in a family session with teens should allow them to express themselves. Leaving them with a color scheme might help them narrow down what to wear that will still give them room to be creative or show off a trend they are particularly in love with.

While they might dread "dressing up", it might also be helpful to choose a casual location if your teens prefer flip flops and tennis shoes. Just as the Zimmers demonstrated here, while casual, Mom is in a long, flowy dress in a lightweight fabric that dresses her up a bit more, but doesn't put her out of place with her group. I find that working with your group in what's comfortable for them results in everyone showing up in their most authentic selves.